Bag Filters
Bag Filters

Bag Filters are the workhorse of the filtration industry. Finer and more carefully controlled construction in the manufacturing of filter bags have moved bag filters into filtration areas that they had never seen before. In general, Felt Type Filter Bags are finer and offer higher solids loading capacity at 150 microns and below. Above 150 Microns Mesh Type Filter Bags dominate in their more traditional straining applications. Most Bag filters are also designed disposable, which means that they have to be replaced when the filter is clogged.
In addition to traditional felt and mesh filter materials, FWI provides bag filters utilizing specialty woven, melt blown and other non-woven media for such uses as oil absorption or FDA compliant, high efficiency applications. We also offer the finest Bag Filter Housings in the industry.

Call us at 603-434-9577 or contact us for more information.