Cooling Water Systems
Cooling Water Systems

Industrial uses of water in the United States have Cooling Water at over 98% with all other uses taking up the remaining 2%. When you consider the energy costs that that go with cooling water, disposal costs that go with cooling water and process degradation costs that result from cooling water degradation, we always thought that that cooling water does not get enough attention. It’s not as fashionable is probably why. We have given it a lot of attention simply because it’s the most prevalent use of water by industry.
Simple Pump and Filter Combination units make sidestream filtration of cooling water towers a snap. It’s not, in our opinion, typically practical to filter all the cooling water in circulation at the same time. If a filter gets plugged without attention in a full stream application you lose the cooling system – Not cool – No Pun Intended. Sidestream is the way to go.
The system above – schematic on left and photo on right uses 2 stages of disposable bag filters to remove particles from the cooling water. We also added an 80 GPM UltraViolet Unit to control bacteria in the system.
This system is part of an plastics forming operation. The cooling water cools the product which runs in troughs throughout the plant. With the cooling water exposed to the atmosphere in the plant maintaining high water quality is difficult.
Other systems which can be used on Cooling Water are Backwashable Sand Filters which you can see on our Tank Based Water Systems pages.